Happy Thoughts:


A Perfect Love

Three days after I met the man of my dreams I knew with absolute certainty he was the one I would spend the rest of my life with. He asked me to meet him at his house for a special night out. When I arrived he met me at the door with a single red Tulip. We made our way to Valentino's for a nice dinner and he said he had a story to tell me little did I know it would end with me in tears!

 Here's the story...

A sturdy Persian youth named Farhad, a prince some say, was deeply in love with the fair princess Shirin. When her father got word of this love he said the only way Farhad could have her hand in marriage would be to complete an impossible task. It was decided that he would have to dig a canal by himself, that would take him years to finish. One day when his task was almost complete, word reached him that his beloved had been killed. Gripped by unbearable grief, he mounted his favorite horse and galloped over a cliff to his death. From his numerous wounds droplets of blood trickled onto the ground. From each drop of blood a scarlet tulip sprang, a symbol of his perfect love. So it was that in ancient Persia the red tulip became a symbol of passionate love.

Later that night I found myself calling my good friend and exclaiming how I was totally in love, this was the first she had heard of him so all she could say was "With who?" 

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