Well I have to say I'm extremely excited I'm just about to hit the big 1-0-0! I am one follower away right now how awesome is that? I have been blogging still less than two months and I never thought I would have that many AWESOME people interested in what I have to say. I can now even say I consider many of them friends, and they have become a part of my support system which is important as many of you know when you are a military spouse. So I can't say this enough, but thanks again to all you ladies who continually help to pick me up when I'm down.
I thought it would be fun to actually tell you girls a little about me which tends to be one of the things I find a little difficult. I know you have all read what is in my profile but I just thought I'd share a little more for those of you who read often. I get MANY people asking me if "Gambizzle" is my actual last name, and I have to say it isn't, but I try to follow
OPSEC the best I can. However it is close to my last name, it's just something the hubby and I came up with one day being silly, and it kinda stuck around. I use it everywhere now.

So that's me of course in the pictures above, I am 22 years old and I spent my entire life in Texas. This is the first time I have lived in an other state, and I haven't been here long, so I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I've always been a small town girl, and while the city I live in may not be the biggest it's pretty darn big to me. The hubby and I got married 5 months ago, exactly 4 months from the day we met. We lived in the same town for years and never knew it. Our relationship moved VERY fast, and we got a lot of grunts about that but it didn't make a difference to us. We knew, and still know to this day that we were so in love we couldn't wait. We are literally best friends. We know things about each other that no one else in the world knows. He is everything to me, more than words can describe, i don't really know how else to put it, he's a lot better with words than I am. The things he says to me everyday make me fall in love with him all over again. He never fails to let me know how much he loves me.

That's me holding a very fat, and very spoiled skunk. Daisy, she was super sweet. I've always been a very big animal person, I've always been passionate about working with them. ESPECIALLY "Pit Bulls" they are my absolute favorite of all the dog breeds. I have owned four in my lifetime, and all have been amazing. I worked at a dog rescue right out of high school where they were the major concern, and we helped so many get good homes. I guess I'm what they call a rescuer, it's just always been my nature to wanna help animals, people, whoever needs it.

I like to consider myself a pretty happy person, I'm also a morning person, most of the time. I love to wake up early with Lolo (that's my hubby) and make him breakfast, lunch, and spend some time with him before he leaves. It's important to me to spend as much time with him as I can. Nothing makes me a happier person than being with him. He's my rock. :)
I'm also a very artistic person. I love all kinds of art I enjoy making jewelry, painting, photography, writing, there are so many ways to express yourself! So before I bore you guys to death hehe I will move on I found this on several others blogs, and I thought it was cute to get to know a few other details that a lot of people wouldn't normally ask.
A. AREA CODE: I am & always will be a Texas girl so, 830.
B. BED SIZE: Queen, I love to cuddle don't need anymore space.
C. CHORE YOU HATE: I love doing things around the house, but I don't care to fold clothes.
D. DOG'S NAME: Flower & Tulip
E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: A good song, I even have a happy song "I'm Yours"
F. FAVORITE COLOR: Purple or Red
G. GOLD OR SILVER: Either one is fine, I own both.
H. HEIGHT: 5'2". Yup. I'm a shorty.
I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: None. I would love to learn guitar though.
J. JOB: Housewifey
K. KIDS: None, and happy to say it, although I would love to have them.
L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: One bedroom apartment with the hubby
N. NICKNAME: Tons from the hubby but we won't go there. Other that that don't really have any.
M. MOM'S NAME: Deborah
P. PET PEEVE: Liars? Loud Neighbors? Are those pet peeves?
Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE:I don't really watch movies so that's a hard one.
S. SIBLINGS: 6 brothers, 4 sisters
T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: whenever hubby does usually, he's constantly being switched from days to nights.
U. UNDERWEAR: I love boy shorts, and anything frilly and girly.
V. VEGGIE YOU DISLIKE: Can't stand spinach and refuse to eat onions.
W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: Usually hubby's fault. hehe
X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: My knee, when I was 12 I had a nail stab into it.
Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Enchiladas, and Asian food we love to cook together.
Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: Pandas, which also happen to be my favorite animals ever since I was little.