Happy Thoughts:

If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred minus
one day, so I never have to live without you.



Recipe Exchange needs a new name

So the book is almost ready to go out, and it's not too late to sign up if you want to join in! All you have to do is leave a comment with your email.

The book needs a name though. So the person who comes up with the idea I like best will get the book first. Just leave a comment with the name you come up with, and your email.

The theme of the book is red, white, pink & blue. It has lots of cute polka dots, stripes, nautical, and other military stuff. It's for all sorts of recipes so anything is fair game. (: Put your thinking caps on ladies! As soon as I get a name it will go out!

Mili Mondays: Navy Seals

When I married my husband, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I looked at the opportunity as an experience of a life time. Of course I loved him and with out a shadow of a doubt, at the ripe old age of 20, I knew he was everything I could ever want and more. I didn't realize, or care, at the time that I was taking the biggest risk of my life. I left everything I had ever known on a feeling, to enter a world unknown to me. Only now looking back do I realize how big of a risk it actually was. 
There I was, diving head first into the life of a Marine wife, and with it a new world opened up to me. I became apart of something big. It was the first time I had ever felt at home in my life. It wasn't until, just this past May, when my husband EASed did I really feel everything I had been through and the changes that had happened in me.

Weeks went by and a strange feeling began to grow inside of me. I was missing something and it was quickly becoming apparent what it was... I missed the military life. It took me sometime before I ever expressed these feelings to my husband. But when I did it turned out we both had been feeling the same thing. There's some people who are just cut out for the military lifestyle, we are those people. 

We eagerly agreed that the Navy would be our best option. He expressed his desire to become a SEAL. Absolutely not. No way. I couldn't possibly handle that type of stress! But he was very serious and incredibly  persistent. The more he looked into the SEALs, the more I looked into them. I did what any sensible woman would do, I googled! 

As it turned out, the life of a SEAL wife wasn't much different from that of a Marine wife. They had the same basic deployment cycle just a bit more training. I was also able to get in contact with a real life, honest to God SEAL wife. Imagine my excitement. There was only so much I could find on the internet and "how you feel about your life" wasn't part of it. She was excited to help and answered every question I threw at her. It relieved me a little to know that the SEAL teams are a close knit group, and that includes their families. 

With my mind at ease it was time to fully give my husband my blessing. The process moved on. He has always worked out pretty consistantly, but once he had set his mind on going to BUDs he kicked it into overdrive. Swimming, running and cross training. Sometimes, he was doing 5 work outs a day. BUDs is mentally and pysically exhausting, he had to prepare himself. On top of the work outs there were the typical enlistment to-do's: Physical, PST, ASVAB, paperwork releasing him for the Marine Corps, hoop after hoop... We're not quite through all of the steps, but we are pretty close. Anyday (in military world this could mean quite some time) now he will sign his papers! 

This time around I know what I don't know, and it scares me. I know this world is going to be much the same as life in the Marine Corps, but I know there is a laundry list of things I don't know. One day at a time, one step at a time, with my husband by my side (most of the time) we'll ease our way back into this life. 

Over the next few months we are going to be picking a coast. I could use the help of you wonderful ladies to tell me your experiences on the coasts you've been on. The good, the bad and the ugly. 

A big thanks to Mrs. Gamblizzle for letting me guest blog this week! You can stop by my blog at 


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