I know I have been non existent in this blogging world lately, but i haven't had time to do anything lately with this jewelry stuff. It's taking over I swear! Anyway I thought I'd share some of our pre deployment pictures with you, and I promise very soon I will be back in the blogging world I will definitely need the support of my fellow wives to make it through this deployment! These are just a few of my favorites, I don't know how I will ever decide on which ones to hang up as we got over 40 pictures!
tee hee, We had such an amazing time taking these and our photographer was so much fun! WE actually spent the weekend with Nicole from Flip Flops & Combat Boots and we had SOOOO much fun! Too much fun i think... because we were a little hung over in the morning, we met the photographer at 8am. Well we were supposed to but we overslept due to too much fun, and we didn't get there til 8:30. OOPS!
On top of that I wore a strapless dress to the shoot since it was the more complicated outfit to put on. We were in such a rush to get there I forgot our third outfit, AND my bra!! So our amazing photographer had to make sure you couldn't see any goodies in the photos with the white shirt!