Good morning everyone! It's time for Thursday Five again & I've got a lot to be thankful for this week! Some of you may still not know what I'm talking about if you're new to my blog. Thursday five is this awesome little thing I do every Thursday, all you have to do is list five things that go with the words posted below. It's a great way to reflect upon your week, especially if it wasn't so great. It will teach you to find the good in every situation. So let's get started! I use the online dictionary which gives me different words to use every week, here are the words for this week...
Main Entry: 1ec·stat·ic
Pronunciation: \ek-ˈsta-tik, ik-ˈsta-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1590
Pronunciation: \ek-ˈsta-tik, ik-ˈsta-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1590
: of, relating to, or
marked by ecstasy
Main Entry: 1gay
Pronunciation: \ˈgā\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
Pronunciation: \ˈgā\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a : happily excited : merry
Main Entry: 1gid·dy
Pronunciation: \ˈgi-dē\
Function: adjective
Pronunciation: \ˈgi-dē\
Function: adjective
2 a : lightheartedly silly
Entry Word: happy
Function: adjective
Function: adjective
Meaning: experiencing pleasure,
satisfaction, or delight
Entry Word: content
Function: adjective
Function: adjective
Meaning: feeling that oneʼs needs
or desires have been met
Now that you know the words all you have to do is make your list & then include the button in your post & come back here to link up using the linky at the bottom so everyone can share their list!
ONE. I have sold $400 in jewelry orders just since my love left.
TWO. I met tons of awesome new friends this week.
THREE. I've been driving all by myself, I'm so proud!
FOUR. I got my baby fix in for the week by babysitting Navy Doll's adorable kiddos.
FIVE. I cannot tell you just how excited I am to take professional pictures with Daddycakes.