Happy Thoughts:



We took a much needed vacation right after the hubby came home. We went to Niagara Falls, NYC, & DC.

We did a ton of sightseeing & touristy stuff, made out under Niagara Falls, we enjoyed the night life in NYC, we had the most delicious Sushi & went to the Smithsonian in DC, and we had a blast driving through 6 states & even crossed briefly into Canada.

We both always wanted to go to Niagara Falls, and it
was breathtaking! I am so glad we finally went

The Rainbow Bridge to Canada

We ended our time at Niagara with some delicious Indian cuisine & yummy drinks at Hard Rock Cafe!

The next night we sat under the stars on top of niagara and watched a beautiful fireworks show.


In NYC we had a great time and really enjoyed the night life! We had Malaysian food, & found a quiet little bar on our last night where we had shots of their very own whiskey & pickle juice, it was an interesting combination! Not bad though!

On our last day we walked around DC and had the most amazing Sushi, it was ridiculously expensive, but worth it! They had this drink called Wasabi Cactus, I was hesitant to try it, but glad I did. It was probably one of the best I've ever had.

Life After Deployment

It's been quite some time since I have blogged anything. I feel like I'm just so busy all the time with jewelry, hubby, and the puppy, that I never have time for it. I've really been missing it & the always beautiful Mrs. S inspired me to write this morning!

As of yesterday the Sailor has been home for 2 whole months... the time has really flown by! I never shared our homecoming pictures because we were so busy (get your minds out of the gutter!) here's my absolute favorite though...

It took foreverrrrr to find him in the huge crowd, and when I finally did, I couldn't get to him because there were a group of sailors in the way. I wanted to SCREAM at them! I was patient though, & it was so worth it.

It was definitely an amazing day, just like I had always heard, and I am so happy to have him home safe, even if it's for a very short while.

Tomorrow is his birthday & it's the first time ever that we've spent it together. You never realize how much you can learn to cherish when you live this life. I'm so used to Happy Birthday emails, but for the first time this year he was actually home on my birthday too. Our Birthdays are a week apart so it's even easier for him to miss both.

He's amazing though! I got handpicked cupcakes,

pink Gerber daisies

 this beautiful vintage bracelet

& a bubble bath full of rose petals, but we won't do  pictures of that...

Now I have to figure out how to top that for his Bday. He's been working really hard, so I'm thinking just a relxaing day at home & maybe breakfast in bed!  He's always SO hard to shop for!

Hopefully I'll find a moment soon to blog again, but if I don't know that I love all my bloggy friends and even if I don't have time to comment I do still read your great posts!