The best thing about this move is definitely the yard. We lived in an apartment before so we had a small balcony with a great view, but it doesn't compare to being able to work outside in your own yard. The dogs definitely love it too, I can tell a difference in their behavior since they get to spend so much time outside now. Especially Dugg who is normally pretty hyper.
I have definitely started to develop a love for gardening! We planted several flowers this weekend & plan to slowly start planting more as we get settled in. Of course we are in Texas and it's already hot here most days, but I can't wait til it's officially spring! It's my second favorite season (Fall being the first) I just love all the colors of the flowers that bloom.
These Persian Buttercups are one of new favorite flowers! I just think they are beautiful!
I love flowers that are full & bright.
'Nami loves laying out in the sunshine while I work, we just have to work on her bad habit of eating plants! She ate an Aloe Vera plant my mom gave me, and over the weekend one of the new flowers I planted just completely disappeared from the garden! My main worry is she will eat something poisonous.
These pretty little flowers are the ones that are now MIA... I'm bummed.
She's definitely contemplating what to eat next... lol
Flower is getting older now & so she mostly keeps to herself when we're out
in the yard, but I can tell she enjoys it as well.
These are Hubby's favorite so far! He picked up several of these to plant around the yard, a couple have lost their tops though... can you guess what happened?? lol